Courtney Jolivette of Earth Mama Naturals
Meet Courtney a true Earth Goddess, mother, doula, herbalist, adventurer and creative. Courtney emanates light and love in all that she does, we are so inspired by her deep connection to the earth and how she works with nature to create.
1. Can you share a bit about your personal journey, Where have you come from, where are you going?
I am Courtney, but I go by Earthmamanaturals I’m a holistic herbalist and doula from southern Georgia. Presently I am in the south and moving towards traveling the world with my kids. I’ve only changed in my growth as a person and business.
2. What is your favourite way to connect with nature? How does your connection with nature influence your work as a Doula?
I love to ground myself first thing in the morning before I start my day. I drink water and stand barefoot in the soil of the land. I call upon my ancestors to guide me throughout day as I move around through so many energies. My connection influences me as a doula because the universe is as one wombman are present in the universe our womb carries DNA connected to the earth and validates our being. When I bring a child into this realm I feel every thing the same as I do when I connect to the earth.

3. Describe your ideal state of mind? How do you achieve this feeling?
My ideal state of mind is solitude in peace and harmony. I don’t live in the realm for the satisfaction of others. I prefer to adhere to my spiritual needs.
4. In what ways have you decided to live your life more consciously? How have these changes transformed you? and what’s are the challenges that you face?
I live consciously through everything. Even the way I eat, the way I breathe, the way I learn, the way I guide my children. Those exact changes made me more present in my life and the life of others I needed this.
5. Do you have a personal philosophy that you live by? Something that keeps you centered?
Everything is already the way it’s suppose to be, but change is inevitable. I am whole even when I’m not. Abundance!

6. What does womanhood mean to you?
Womanhood is not being what anyone says a woman should be, but what resonates with your souls purpose.
7. Tell us about your bus living project, when did you start? How long it’s taken you to get where you are? any advice for people seeking to attempt a similar project?
My mate and I started a bus conversion. We started in April and moved in the end of May. We are living in and still working on certain things as we go. My advice to anyone is to do it! Just go for it!
In Courtney's words : LIVE LIFE AND LOVE xx
Courtney wears the Dawn Dress in 100% Hemp <3