Jess shares some thoughts with us on womanhood, self discovery and her personal journey. We love the way Jess embodies the idea of 'what you see is what you get', sharing a real and raw representation of life. It's so powerful and refreshing these days to be able to express realness in this world of social media. We love that Jess embodies that natural sense of self and shares from that space.

Can you share a bit about your personal journey, Where have you come from, where are you going?
I feel like my real journey of “self” started at the beginning of Covid. The world stopped and I stopped, it forced me to be still with myself, learn and decide what I want from life and myself. Life was madness before, too fast, to chaotic which created unhealthy habits and unhappiness. Now I am calm and can finally say “I am happy”.

Jess wears the Ayra Bralette in Toffee
Tell us about a recent rediscovery or discovery in your life that stuck with you.
My happiness is worth more than money.
What is your most ideal state of mind? How do you achieve this feeling?
Calm mind with a dash of crazy creativity is an ideal state of mind. By being is this new happy space I have found it has allowed my mind to be calm and for my creativity to rise again and sometimes it’s a bit manic because I want to do it all and all at once but I love it!

Jess wears the Ayra Skirt + Ayra Bralette
In what ways have you decided to live your life more consciously? Especially now that your family is growing, have you seen a shift?
Well, having this baby has definitely made me think about what she needs and what we need. Life can be so excessive and we have definitely tried to be more conscious about that, despite what other people say. Our minds have also changed a lot about mainstream life, but that is a whole other story.
Do you have a personal philosophy that you live by? Something that you strive to embody in all that you do?
No I don’t really, I just try to be and live more gently if that makes sense? I’ve always been so hard with myself and others.
What does womanhood mean to you?
I think at different points in your life the meaning will change, right now as a woman, I feel stronger, fierce, protective and gentle all at the same time. I feel like maybe womanhood is an ever evolving state that is unique to only woman, it’s evolving constantly, it’s beautiful!

Advice for new preggo mammas, style tips, health tips anything in particular you discovered that have found really valuable?
Don’t stress yourself with what other pregnant mamas are doing. Take all advice given with a pinch of salt. Style, just because you are pregnant doesn’t mean you have to dress like a morman, if having your belly out makes you feel amazing, DO IT! Health, listen to your body, give it what it wants.
Im sure as you journey into motherhood, you must look at the world in a different way. Have your perspectives of the world, yourself, people, the planet changed?
100% everything has changed. The way the world is now and how silly people have become has made us want to live away from it all, a more nomadic life with strong connections made along the way.